Fight HPV With A Strong Immune System

Human papilloma virus, HPV, is the most common of all sexually transmitted diseases and is a virus that comes in over 100 different strains. Of these, there are several which are responsible for vaginal and penile warts through the infection of the HPV virus. While the warts can be treated and sometimes do go away, the virus remains in the system of the individual for life.

Warts, Warts, Warts - All Kinds Of Warts

The warts themselves are frequently painless, but they are very contagious and spread rapidly through sexual contact with an infected person. More than 40 percent of adults in the United States are carriers of the virus and the most infected people seem to be young adults between the ages of 18 and 35.

HPV is the virus responsible for all kinds of warts, including genital, plantar warts (common warts found on hands), flat warts and even juvenile warts. Depending upon a person's immunity, the effects will manifest either earlier in life or at a later date. The immune system plays a part in the ability to ward off HPV, although it is not a foolproof method. Risk factors for HPV include multiple sex partners, previous infection with another STD, pregnancy, anal intercourse, poor personal hygiene and heavy perspiration.

Strengthening The Immune System Makes Sense

It makes good sense that a healthy lifestyle is maintained as a factor in strengthening the immune system. A strong immune system can fight the virus in the event it does show up. The fight is internal and antibodies need to be able to act immediately should an infection arise. A person with a weak immune system is subject to attack with more intense ramifications.

Some Easy Ways To Build Immunities

There are some very basic and easy ways to boost the immune system in order to treat HPV and protect the body should infection happen. First and foremost, a healthy diet is critical to the proper functioning of the immune system. A diet high in fruits and vegetables, fish, lean meats and low-fat dairy carries many of the phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for good health. Get plenty of rest. Sleep is vital to restoring the body and refreshing the mind. During sleep the body releases specific substances which build and sustain a strong immune system.

Exercise, Water And Vitamins

Exercise is another vital component. Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week not only strengthens a person physically, but it also enhances the immune system. Water is vital to all living things, and humans are no exception. It can act as a lubricant in the body around joints and is necessary for many chemical reactions in the body. It is also the carrier used to eliminate waste from the body. Drinking six to eight glasses a day will help to keep the immune system healthy. Vitamins C, D and E are basic, essential vitamins which can be obtained through the food we eat. The most common nutrient deficiency to affect the immune system is the lack of zinc. This can be obtained through lean beef or pumpkin seeds as well as a good multi-vitamin. Also, ensuring a good level of magnesium will protect the nerve impulses in the body.

With some forethought and attention the immune system can be built up and maintained in such a way as to help curb the effects of HPV in the body